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Live Events

Name Category Date Credit Hours Price
Family Play Therapy & Systems Theory (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Feb. 7, 2025
6 $180.00
Filial Play Therapy & Attachment Theory (VIRTUAL)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Feb. 14, 2025
6 $180.00
Ecosystemic Play Therapy Theory, Skills, & Practice (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Feb. 21, 2025
6 $180.00
Ethical Play Therapy with Divorce (VIRTUAL)
Karen Sullivan, LCSW-S, RPT-S, EMDR Trained
Feb. 28, 2025
6 $180.00
Developmental Play Therapy & Ethics of Touch in Therapy (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Mar. 7, 2025
6 $180.00
Group Play Therapy Theory & Skills (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Mar. 21, 2025
6 $180.00
Trauma in the Playroom (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Apr. 11, 2025
6 $180.00
Multicultural Play Therapy Theory, Skills, & Practice (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Apr. 18, 2025
6 $180.00
Play Therapy with Victims of Sexual Abuse (VIRTUAL)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Apr. 25, 2025
6 $180.00
Child Psychopharmacology for Play Therapists (IN-PERSON)
Jeffrey Moore, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC
May. 2, 2025
6 $180.00
Playing with ADHD (VIRTUAL)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
May. 9, 2025
6 $180.00
Integrative Play Therapy Theory, Skills, & Practice (IN-PERSON)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
May. 16, 2025
6 $180.00
Integrative Play Therapy Theory, Skills, & Practice (VIRTUAL)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
May. 23, 2025
6 $180.00
Introduction to Play Therapy SUPERVISION (VIRTUAL)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
May. 30, 2025
6 $180.00
LGBTQ+ Affirmative Play Therapy (VIRTUAL)
Steven L. Parks, LCSW-S, MBA, RPT-S
Jun. 20, 2025
6 $180.00

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